
Thursday, September 28, 2023

Rosie's first hair cut

Well believe it or not, Rosie is almost 6 and just got her first hair cut. I offered to take her out to a professional, but she threw an absolute fit and didn't want to go, so we did it at home (with her complaining and screaming the whole time). Don't let her smiles fool you. She wanted to keep "growing it out" but I generally make the girls cut their hair at least once a year before school starts just so I can remember when they cut it last and cut off the worst of the chlorine damage from the summer. 



All that fuss over a couple inches. It looks so much better now, though! Yay, Rosie!


Patty said...

Oh my goodness, sweet girl! I can't even tell it was cut, you can tell her that!

Dorothy said...

I agree, tell Rosie it looks great and hardly any change!