
Thursday, October 5, 2023

Hurricane Ophelia

Rainy, rainy! It's been overcast and rainy for quite awhile. We got to experience the outskirts of Hurricane Ophelia the other weekend and it was quite wet. The marina flooded - we took a walk down there during a "break" in the rain (though it was still raining, just not as hard).

Eleanor carrying Rosie home because her legs were tired. Eleanor was one-booted because she had a blister, hah!

This was at low tide - you can see the finger piers for the wet slips fully submerged.

Fun times in the rain...

Rosie sheltering a mushroom she found.


Dorothy said...

Wow. The pictures of the marina really show how high the water was. Love E carrying R with one shoe on!

Patty said...

Wow, I can't believe the marina but I love all these rain shots. It looked fun! And Eleanor with one boot...ha ha!