
Thursday, May 16, 2024

KelRae Farms Field Trip

I got to go with the twins on a field trip to KelRae Farms. They were very excited. It was inordinately hot for April so there was a lot of water drinking since there was little shade to be found.

The kids got to go on a tractor ride...

We had a great time! They did hide under the table during lunch to try to get some shade...

They got to pick kale (and 6 other types of lettuces) that we washed back in the classroom. They had salad for a snack.

The reason for their trip was because they hatched baby chicks in school last month. Two weeks ago they had to give them away to the farm, and then they got to go visit them!

They fed the bigger chickens...

And they got to enjoy time with friends and craft bird feeders.

They had a great time despite the heat. It was a fun Kindergarten trip!

1 comment:

Patty said...

How fun! Love that they picked kale and had a healthy snack! And how fun to see their chickens. I can tell it was hot from Rosie's red cheeks! So glad you can do these things now!