
Monday, August 12, 2024

Swim 2024

Swim season is over! The kids all did great, learned so much, and got faster. I will do another post with some videos of their swims and top times, but for now, a few pictures from the season. 

We decorated the car for our first two away meets:

Right before our first friendship meet:

After their first swims of the season!

Rosie with her swim buddy, Reese:

Playing games during the meet:

Rosie with her buddies, Browning, Mary Grace, and Violet:

Jane with her buddies Julia, Kimber, and Josie:

Hanging out on the lifeguard stand.

Cheering on Eleanor in her first A-team relay!

 Jane (and Rosie) with her swim buddy, Lilly:

More time with friends!

Kids hanging out during the meet:

The girls with lacrosse buddies from another pool!

Meet delay for lightning, so hanging out under the gazebo:

That meet ended at 10:45 at night because of delays.

Getting their events written on their hands for the meet that night.

Ben has made progress this year, but I love this picture of lanes 3, 4, and 5 diving while Ben in lane 6 "dives."

Rosie, very proud, after crushing her race. I think she dropped like 12 seconds in breaststroke this race.

All the little boys in black jammers running around the fields during the meet.

This has been such a fun and special swim season. The kids were all at the top of their age brackets and will move down to the bottom for next year. Eleanor and Jane were both in point scoring lanes for the entire season. Rosie and Ben made quite a bit of improvement and we are excited to see where they go from here. The Flyers won the regular season and were undefeated for the first time in 14 years!

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