
Thursday, September 5, 2024

August wrap-up

We were gone for the first two weeks of August, came home for one week in which volleyball try outs, two open houses, Eleanor's birthday and celebration, and back to school shopping had to happen, and then started school! It was a bit of a crazy month for us, but worth the fun experiences we had!

We had s'mores and grilled hot dogs with friends.

We went to a birthday party at the pool for Eleanor's swim buddy.

We made smoothie popsicles.

We went to the track at the local high school one day. Rosie biked all the way to the high school by herself!

This one took a nap one day...

Lots of creating and building in their free time...

We spent some time with neighbors down at the marina the Sunday evening before school started.

Auntie Ashleigh came to visit!

Jane has been baking up a storm - snickerdoodles and truffles.

And what summer month would be complete without visiting Busch Gardens?

Onward to September!

1 comment:

Dorothy said...

Jane is now baking? Those smoothie pops look delicious!