
Monday, December 7, 2020

Ben and Rosie go to the dentist

The other week Ben and Rosie went to the dentist for the first time! I wanted to get them in before things got too bad with COVID again and we potentially would have to wait months, so we just decided to go for it and I'm glad we did! With Eleanor and Jane, I took them each to one of my appointments first to watch and they gave them a ride in the chair, counted their teeth, etc. before scheduling them an official appointment. Obviously that isn't possible anymore so we just went for it.

We had to wait/play in the parking lot since the waiting room is off limits now.

Walking in to their room.

I thought Rosie would be braver so I had her go first, but I don't think I was right! Rosie was very cooperative but stoic the entire time. I could not get her to smile. She pursed her lips the entire time unless they told her to open.

Ben trying to get in on the cool chair action.

This guy had no problems. He just wanted to look at his cool self in the mirror the whole time.

The did well and got to pick prizes. Ben picked a car (obviously), and Rosie some crayons. Rosie had white spots on her teeth that they thought was some kind of congenital thing - they kept asking me a bunch of questions about our family dental history, and Ben had some problem areas to be addressed that they didn't really have a good explanation for. Overall it was a great visit and they did very well!


Dorothy said...

Good for them!

Patty said...

Good for you for getting them checked! I am cracking up at both of their different!