
Thursday, December 3, 2020

Harper's Ferry

Before we went to visit my mom for Thanksgiving, we decided to stop in Harper's Ferry. Harper's Ferry is quite close to where I grew up, and Eleanor particularly got a lot of joy out of walking from one state into another while we walked over the river (and crossing into 3 states within 10 minutes driving - Maryland, West Virginia, and Virginia). Ben loved the train station and train tracks.

There were so many little alleys to explore.

We climbed steps up to the church on the hill.

And then continued on up to Jefferson's Rock. I have lots of pictures here when I was young!

We wandered around town and over the bridge where the Shenandoah and Potomac Rivers meet.

Eleanor spotted a tree growing out of the middle of the stone wall.

Overall the kids did really well, though Ben got tired in the middle of the bridge, started crying, and refused to go any further until someone came back for him and carried him.

And Eleanor, strangely fascinated by natural disasters (currently all the books she has out from the library are non-fiction books about Pompeii and the sinking of the Titanic), wanted to see the history of flooding at Harper's Ferry - which is actually what led us to go here, as I remembered this giant ruler with marked flood heights from visits when I was younger.

It really was a great visit and I was impressed at how well the kids did walking around for several hours. We didn't even get into John Brown, so I'm hoping we'll go back at some point and visit again.


Dorothy said...

I enjoyed joining you guys on the visit. It is a great place to explore. Glad they enjoyed it so much!

Patty said...

What a great day! I've only been to Harper's Ferry when it was about 100 degrees! Need to go back!