
Thursday, December 10, 2020

Quiet Christmas weekend

This year, a little for better and a little for worse, has been a lot quieter of a Christmas season so far for us. This is one of my favorite times to live in Williamsburg because there is so much going on. Usually the first weekend in December is full of the Christmas Parade in Colonial Williamsburg, seeing Santa, and Grand Illumination on Sunday. All of those things were cancelled this year, so we are doing our best to still stay in the Christmas spirit without all the fun events happening. We decorated our Christmas tree and started our Advent tradition.

The twins did some Christmas yoga together and were very into it. Usually they mostly watch while the girls participate, but they did it all by themselves this time.

We also got to visit our friend Cici, who we haven't seen since March. It was a quick outdoor visit to deliver some cards, but it was still great to see her!

1 comment:

Patty said...

Your tree is gorgeous. Can't wait to see it in person! So glad you got to see your special friend!