
Tuesday, March 2, 2010

The last snow, hopefully

Daaaanng it. It figures it would snow again the day after we set up our hammock...
I had fully convinced myself that the precipitation they were predicting would certainly be rain, but apparently I was wrong. I am just praying that the oil we have left in our tank will last us through the rest of this cold weather. I know we're still in for some chilly days because it's only March, but I thought at least the snow would be over by now!!

I've come up with a great solution for staying warm in our house... It may not be sophisticated, but it's been working for me this week!
I started a puzzle on the floor directly in front of our living room space heater :) This means I have an excuse for laying in front of the space heater while I'm home. I've been staying pretty comfortable the past two days, and plan to continue until this weather turns or the puzzle is finished - whichever comes first.

In the meantime, we're using our fireplace as much as possible to help heat the house a bit. The fireplace may be my favorite thing in this house that we didn't have in our apartment last year...
...that, or the dishwasher :)


jennie said...

that fire looks nice! what puzzle are you doing?

LA-jan said...

Very cozy looking fire!

Elizabeth said...

you must be developing some awesome puzzle skills!

Patty said...

We still need to finish that puzzle we started at Edisto 3 years ago!!!

Christina Casares said...

Puzzles during snow storms are the best!! My mom, Joe and I worked on a cool scene of the NYC sky line durign the big blizzard a few weeks ago

maggie said...

oh my goodness... even though the fire looks nice, I'm sure you're like me and over winter for this year!