
Monday, July 25, 2011

The last 1.5 weeks were busy

The last week or so has been really busy for both me and Chris. We both finished up our first semesters of school (did you even know Chris also started school again this summer? I'm not sure that I've even mentioned it...), had exams, I went to both a baby shower and a bridal shower, and we went on a family vacation with my extended family. I'll put up some pictures from the vacation later once I get them up on my computer. Anyway, we just got home last night and I am exhausted. I spent the morning catching up on sleep, emails, and doing my best to revive my poor plants that suffered without water through the heat wave the East Coast had this past week while we were gone. Let's hope they make it...but I don't have a great track record with plants so I'm not holding my breath.

My first semester of nursing school is over! I feel like I've learned a ton but still have so much more to figure out. Going back to school is very, very different from just going the first time. I take what I'm learning much more seriously than I did the first time around, but I take school as a whole less seriously - if that makes any sense. Basically things like stressing out about an exam or a grade just don't seem all that important when you have life experiences and stressors to compare them to (not that I have a lot of life experience, but I have been out of school for a few years now).

The hardest thing to learn had nothing to do with new skills, biology, or chemistry of the body but was simply learning a new way of thinking. I don't even really know how to describe it, but nurses just think differently. I'm already looking forward to getting on new floors next semester and working with a different patient population.

I'll have to let Chris speak for himself about how his first semester went, but I will say that he put in a lot of work and I am proud of him. We are both glad to have a few weeks reprieve until the fall semester starts up and now I am off to try and get the sand out of everything we own!


LA-jan said...

As someone who has only thought as a nurse, I'm interested to hear more on the subject of how nurses think differently! Nursing process?? It does carry over into life.

maggie said...

Wow! You all have been busy! So glad you now get to relax for a bit and recharge for next semester :) Congratulations to you both!

Aunt Michele said...

You are absolutely correct Katie!!! Nurses do think differently!

jennie said...

way to go!

break = pool time