
Monday, October 1, 2018

Cracker Fight

I wanted to post this video to show a little bit of Ben and Rosie's true natures. Ben is pretty happy-go-lucky most of the time, but he totally doesn't get how his actions affect others. He thinks everything is his for the taking - particularly food. Rosie wants things to go her way and when they don't she cries or scratches to get what she wants. Since Ben is bigger and in some ways stronger, he mostly wins out, but he is also gentler (doesn't scratch as much). Right before this Ben was trying to play with Rosie by grabbing her head (which she didn't like), but he was laughing and flapping his arms at her, I think trying to play. I love this video of them!


Dorothy said...

I was laughing so hard at this!

Patty said...

Ha ha...get ready! I love this video!