
Thursday, October 4, 2018

September wrap-up

September officially ended summer for us with our last visits to Busch Gardens and Water Country this year (unless we do Christmas Town in December) and the start of school for both Eleanor and Jane. I am so thankful for seasons. I was particularly looking forward to some routine this month after a summer full of days with no agenda with four kids four and under home all day. I am sure after awhile I will be longing for lazy summer days again!

Chris got a new roku which has a fish tank screen saver. This is probably the most exciting thing that happened to the girls this month. They love staring at the "fish tank" and shouting out the names of fish (from movies? Who is Roony?). It is entertaining for both of us.

The babies wore matching onesies the other day :)

Even though their doors weren't full, we decided to start them over for the school year, so here are pictures of Eleanor and Jane's artwork from last spring/summer. Eleanor really got into water coloring and her drawings really started taking on shapes! I love her little chick in the top right (they hatched chicks this past spring in preschool). Jane did a lot of stamping with paint and really enjoyed water coloring, too, though her drawings haven't taken as much form yet. She is far more advanced than Eleanor was at this stage, though, maybe because she has someone to copy!

Eleanor's current favorite outfit...

We found out Ben was not allergic to peanut butter because I accidentally left it out and he somehow reached it and I walked back into the kitchen to this:

The girls have been making their own mini-pizzas on Fridays. Jane sure does like pepperoni!

We did a back to school breakfast with moms and their kindergarteners right before school started.

The girls' current favorite show: PJ masks!

Gaby came down (this may have been end of August) for the day and we went to visit her friend further down the peninsula to swim and have lunch.

Eleanor has been writing a lot recently: this one says "Crocs and Frogs, today we will be learning about insects and magnets" - she did a pretty decent job!

Eleanor packs her own lunch for school, and here she and Jane are making their snack mixes.

We occasionally bring out the pack and play for the babies to play in.

My cousin from California and her husband make popcorn and they sent us some birthday cake and cookie popcorn! It was amazing!

I went away for a weekend and had to reorganize the milk in our freezer. This wasn't even all of it. But when your babies don't take bottles it really piles up! I think this was about 1,000 of the 1,300 ounces currently in the freezer.

Jane is so happy Eleanor has moved up to the bigger bike because she gets her own bike now and has been riding it a lot! This was Jane riding in CW when they boarded up all the windows for the hurricane that never hit us.

We've gone to the playground...

We have gotten caught at the bus stop multiple times this month in the rain! Most times we are far less prepared than this one!

Eleanor's sweet friend Amelia came back to Virginia to visit one weekend.

My friend Claire has been coming over a couple mornings a week to watch the twins while I run the big girls to school and Rosie has given her a run for her money. Essentially Ben stays happy and Rosie cries until she passes out! Hopefully she'll start warming up soon!

Jane's class celebrated September birthdays and I got to go see her at school the other day!

POETS has continued in the month of September with some beautiful sunsets!

The weather is finally starting to change and not be so intensely hot. We are loving spending time outside now!

Overall it was a big month of transition for us, but everyone is adjusting well with time. We've had hot days, rainy days, and a few beautiful fall days. Onward to October where hopefully there is more of the latter!


Dorothy said...

I love these updates! A very busy month!

Patty said...

Every single one of these pics is amazing!! I'm glad the girls are helping with their lunches. The peanut butter, pepperoni and Tribe!!! And how AMAZING to have an amazing friend from church help you out during morning school runs!