
Monday, October 8, 2018

Eleanor plays soccer again

Eleanor decided she wanted to play soccer again this fall. Since it is only on Saturday morning (we told her no weekday activities in the beginning of the school year while everyone gets adjusted), she is playing. So far she is really enjoying it, scoring 3 goals her first week, 7 her second, and 5 her third! She seems competitive at times and not at other times so it is fun watching her explore new things. She is not the best athlete out there but she has a lot of determination which makes her a competitor. It's so fun watching 4-6 year olds play soccer - they just run in a little pack after the ball!

Also, Jane, true to her sweet nature, is just the best cheerleader.


Dorothy said...

Go E!!!

Patty said...

The best spectators and Jane is such a sweet cheerleader! As I'm reading your blog backwards (most recent first) I'm glad Eleanor got to play a few games!!