
Thursday, November 1, 2018

October wrap-up

A couple weeks into October the weather finally turned. It stayed hot for a very long time this year, but we now have fall, and we are very grateful! Homecoming came and went, we are really in the swing of school again (after THREE hurricane days in September), and life is about as normal as it can be.

I taught an adult friend to ride a bike this month, we spent lots of time outside, and plenty of time inside, too. Since Rosie started crawling, I've had to find new ways to contain the babies outside at the park.

I went back to work (very minimally) this month, and Chris made a video of his morning with the kids.

We went to a friend's birthday party on the Hall floor, which was a very special treat! Jane also got to go to another party at a local kid's gym.

I started facilitating a Bible study this fall, and Rosie has been a big help :)

I took this video of Ben sucking the air pacifier in his sleep - haha!

Rosie thinks it's hilarious to lounge while she eats. We literally put her in her high chair and she immediately tries to stick her feet out of the top!

One of my good friend's mom's sent us cookies in the mail! The girls were so excited and have loved eating them!

Jane has been pushing the babies to the bus stop in the afternoons. She is actually pretty good at pushing the bike trailer/stroller.

I went with the kids to Uncle Rob and Auntie Mollie's engagement party! Chris' parents, his brother, and two of his sisters were in town for it. Chris unfortunately had to work since it was Homecoming weekend, but he was there in spirit. Eleanor and Jane disappeared as soon as we got there to play with Mollie's niece and nephews and Ben and Rosie cried because they were tired. At one point Ben lost his pretzel in Gaby's wine glass and fished it out. :) I didn't take any pictures because of the juggling, but these were from others!

Rosie finally fits in (and the weather is appropriate for) this sweet outfit that belonged to Chris' sister Erika when she was a baby and Eleanor and Jane have both worn!

One of the biggest challenges I have right now is getting everyone ready and to the bus stop in the morning. If we're running really late and about to miss the bus, I throw Jane in the bike seat and Eleanor, Ben, and Rosie all in the trailer and book it! I'm very glad they all fit!

I just love our neighborhood. A few of the moms all got together for an evening of box tops organizing for school. It was fun!

My college roommate came down to visit and we grabbed breakfast together! It was so great to catch up with her!

We walked around CW when Shug and Rachael visited the weekend before Halloween and were able to see some fun decorations!

Eleanor and Jane's sweet friends from Florida came up for the weekend to attend and wedding and we got to spend the evening with them while their parents were busy. The girls had so much fun. Ben loved it, too, as long as he was in a safe position. When he was on equal footing, he was a bit upset.

We went to a harvest party at Jane's school. There were animals to pet, hay rides, games, a cake walk, and trunk or treating. It ended up being a lot of fun!

Sweet Rosie in her green and gold.

The girls helped pack shoeboxes for Operation Christmas Child for their mission project.

Ben has been trying to crawl but essentially can only slide backwards on the hardwood floors, typically leading to him ending up stuck somewhere.

We stuck Ro in her first set of pigtails! They didn't last long...

Eleanor and Jane decided to paint their pumpkins this year.

October is always one of my favorite months of the year despite this year and last having proved to be very busy. More on Halloween, soon!

1 comment:

Lauren said...

What a fun month! Definitely a busy one. There's always so many Fall things to pack into a short time!