
Thursday, December 13, 2018

Ben on the move, the kids playing

Ben learned to crawl a few weeks after he turned one! It took him another couple weeks to go any sort of distance (further than a few knee scoots) but now he is on the move! He still tires easily and doesn't explore nearly as far as Rosie does, but he will slowly but surely make his way around. I can't believe everyone is mobile now!

Here are a few videos of the twins playing together - they are just so fun to watch as they learn to interact with each other these days! There is also a video of Jane playing with Rosie when she thought I wasn't watching, which was sweet up until Jane dropped her on her head...!


Dorothy said...

Those are so fun! I love the one of Ben and Rosie taking the cream tube back and forth from each other.

LA-jan said...

These are fun to watch! So fun to watch their progress!

Lauren said...

Hahahaha I died laughing when Jane dropped Rosie, stuck a paci in her mouth and walked away.