
Monday, May 27, 2019

Ben and Rosie's dedication

We dedicated Ben and Rosie at church on Mother's Day. We had dedicated the other kids a little earlier in their lives, but time got away from us with twins and we didn't get around to it until they were 18 months.

Rosie was running around the stage the entire time. We couldn't keep her still, but I think it was entertaining to those watching (I hope).

Since it was Mother's Day, I wanted to get a picture with each of the kids (separately). My friend who has multiples has been struggling recently to find pictures of her with her kids individually because she never took any and she is supposed to send one in with each kid for school, so I wanted to make sure I had at least one with each!

Chris's family came down - his parents, Ashleigh, Jessie, Rob, and Mollie. My mom was supposed to come with Dave but they ended up having to fly out to Colorado last minute and were there in spirit.

It was a great service and we were so glad everyone was able to come for it!


Patty said...

These pictures are amazing. They are all so special! Love the one of Ben napping in his special outfit!!

Dorothy said...

Precious! I missed being there but you were all in my prayers.