
Tuesday, December 31, 2019

December wrap-up

December was filled with mostly Christmas-related activities, but we've done a few other fun things in the mix.

I took Eleanor and Jane to the movies to see Frozen II. Eleanor loved it. So did Jane, but she still has a bit of trouble sitting through a movie.

We continued going to the bus stop every morning and afternoon.

We walked with Antelope to Bonnie's doctors appointment from her house!

We got to spend lots of time with Bonnie.

We visited Jane's school for a Jesus birthday celebration.

The kids started playing tea party with water, and they all enjoy playing it together which is a miracle.

Rosie bonked her head one day running outside in the street.

Shug and Rachael came to visit to meet Bonnie.

Rosie and Jane have finally started getting along. It is very sweet when the two of them play nicely together.

Ben and Rosie continued playing together, mostly fighting, but sometimes playing.

 Ben learned how to jump, but only sometimes.

I got to go to a "Merry With Moms" event at Eleanor's school one night. She got to make an ornament, jingle bell necklace, reindeer food, and eat snacks. It really was a very sweet event.

And we've still just been loving where we live.

Happy December to all, and a wonderful end of 2019 to all.

1 comment:

Dorothy said...

A wonderful year! And I feel blessed I got to spend so much time with the kids this year. I feel such a part of their lives!!!