
Saturday, December 28, 2019

Jane's Christmas pageant

This is the third year of this Christmas pageant that we've been to, but I have to say, it was my favorite one yet! I am including video for those who would have liked to have been there, BUT, even if you're not a huge fan of preschoolers singing off key, you need to watch the third video - The Virgin Mary had a Baby Boy. Jane's dance moves are incredible! After watching this pageant, I am just going to keep praying for this girl's spirit to never change. She has always marched to her own beat, but when people are watching she usually clams right up. She put it out there for all to see this time and we are so proud of her!


Coach Anne came to see Jane perform and helped us keep Ben and Rosie entertained so they didn't constantly scream, "I see Jane!"

Jane with her teachers who were also very proud of her for coming out of her shell a bit.

Great job, Jane! This will forever be one of my favorite Christmas pageant memories!

1 comment:

Dorothy said...

LOL!!! I love her dance moves and she shines!!! Sweet Jane!!!