
Monday, August 24, 2020

Eleanor is SEVEN

We have a SEVEN year old! I know I say this every year, but I both can't believe it, and believe that she is more mature than her years would suggest. She has been and continues to be a joy to raise, but we are also starting to realize one of the old adages "Little people, little problems. Big people, big problems." As she gets older, her actions tend to be scrutinized more. She is slowly gaining more independence and responsibility, but also is finding the consequences more severe for mistakes or poor choices. 

Eleanor is fearless (except for tornadoes). She is capable and always believes she can do something until she attempts it and can't. When she finds something she can't do, she works hard to try move forward and make progress. She is diligent, responsible, and determined. When she wants to try hard, she does, and when she doesn't, she doesn't. She is mostly able to control her emotions well, but occasionally her age shows. When she chooses to be kind, she is so, so kind. When she doesn't, people notice. Eleanor reads at a very high level, and constantly. She has read something like 70+ books this year already - all chapter books. Her favorite colors are purple and blue, and she loves to swim, go to school, and play with friends. She is very social and we are looking forward to seeing how doing school at home this year will impact her both socially and behaviorally. She is going into 2nd grade this year.

There are still a few "fun" things that Eleanor says. For example, she still thinks "treading water" is called "shredding water." She also still says "glittering" or "somebody glittered" instead of "littering." Mostly though her vocabulary is impressive, even if she doesn't always use the words exactly the way they are meant to be used. 

We are very proud of her and are impressed by her capacity to include others (when she wants to) and be a leader. We love this girl and continue to be excited to see how she grows.

Eleanor at onetwothreefourfivesixseveneightnineteneleventwelve, fifteen, and eighteen months old.

Eleanor at twothreethree and a halffour, and four and a halffive, and six years old.


Dorothy said...

She is amazing!

Patty said...

It is hard to believe she's 7 already!! And she is just an amazing young lady!!