
Thursday, September 10, 2020

First day of school

We pulled the girls out of the school system this year to homeschool since all instruction was going to be virtual for the first 9 weeks and probably primarily virtual even after that. So we decided we would start school after Labor Day - so we launched our years right after the pool closed!

The girls both woke up very excited about getting new school supplies.

And then we kicked off the morning with pictures and matching skirts.

Jane is starting Kindergarten this year. Lots of the kids with summer birthdays decided to wait a year and just enroll in Kindergarten next year, but she is very ready and wanted to start. We will still be able to assess her readiness for first grade next year before the school year starts.

Eleanor is starting second grade. She misses the bus, going to a classroom with her friends, and having a separate life outside of her family, but I think she's excited about some of the things she wants to study this year and about having more flexibility to choose her subjects (she wanted to learn some Spanish and piano this year).

Our crowded and somewhat chaotic school room:

Day one got off to a decent start, but we're still praying the novelty doesn't wear off too quickly. We've still got nine months to go...


Dorothy said...

It will be a very interesting year for you all. Cute that the girls both want to be the same thing when they grow up. So fun to watch that change over the years. Good luck!

LA-jan said...

Oh, sisters indeed!

Patty said...

Here's to a great school year for the girls and cheers to their amazing teacher!!