
Friday, November 6, 2020

Field trip Fridays week 7 - Noland Trail

We have been studying vikings recently in history, and in a random book we had gotten at the library, we saw there was a statue of Leif Erikson in Newport News. We decided we should go check it out that week and explored the Noland Trail while we were down there nearby.

We also stopped at the Lion Bridge to play and eat a packed lunch.

The trail was not at all stroller friendly. Thankfully Ben and Rosie walked a good portion of the way, and I had brought my bike trailer/stroller which is the most off-road stroller I have. We made do, but it was challenging for sure!

Here is Leif! Discoverer of North America around 1000 A.D. (to debunk the Christopher Columbus in 1492 myth which was promoted by Italian-Americans who were looking to solidify their place in U.S. history). In case you didn't know, Leif Erikson Day in the U.S. is October 9th (also before Columbus Day). 

1 comment:

Dorothy said...

You guys do the most fun field trips. Lots o interesting facts out there to explore!