
Monday, November 9, 2020

Ben is three!

Ben is three years old! He weighs close to 40 pounds and has several inches on his sister. He is very sweet and smiley when he wants to be, but his interests are very different from his sisters. Ben loves vehicles. In fact, his favorite toy is one of those standard Little Tykes cars. I find cars, trucks, construction vehicles all over the house...under couches, in blankets, behind pillows, in the washing machine, in the stroller and car, and of course, he sleeps with them. He is like a magnet for vehicles. The other day we went to Colonial Williamsburg for a walk and then I turned around and he was holding a tractor. There were no kids around and I have literally no idea where it came from or where he found it. He also loves throwing things.

Ben loves to move his body - running, dancing, playing, climbing. He occasionally still shows some limited abilities climbing things, but overall, he keeps up very well. He has more fear than his sister, or at least a sense of danger. He often wants help to slide down a tall slide or someone to hold his hand when he's doing something new. He can be very sweet, soooo silly, and laid back, but he can also show some rage. When he gets mad he hits (main thing), pulls hair, kicks, and screams (I can feel the anger behind his screams!). He is very difficult to discipline because he laughs and smiles at everything. He thinks it's all a big game. He is in time out a lot. He also loves snuggles and "hold yous." 

Ben figures out everything about three months behind his sister. He has no concept of using the potty and nothing seems to motivate him to try. He gave up his pacifier a few months ago though, so we are making some progress. He sleeps about eleven hours every night and still takes a nap almost every day. 

Ben at onetwothreefourfivesixseveneightnineteneleventwelvefifteen, and eighteen months old.

Ben at two years old.

Ben and Rosie - their last night as two year olds!

Eleanor and Jane at three years old.

1 comment:

Dorothy said...

Happy birthday Hugster Ben!