
Monday, May 17, 2021

Painting the shutters

One of the things on our "long term" list of things to do to the house was paint the shutters. I never really liked the color of them, and while I had somewhat adjusted to the look, this spring they started peeling so we knew the time had come to try to tackle this project. Here is the before picture:

If you look closely, you can see a set of twins who are supposed to be napping, but were very interested in what we were doing outside.

They eventually joined in the fun outside.

Here is part way through the process... you can see we finally got them all down (a feat in itself) and then Chris had hung some that I painted back up in the top left.

Done! Next up will be the front door (also peeling). I also ended up painting part of the front railings here and near the garage, and the frame around the front door.


Dorothy said...

I really like the change! Nice work!

Patty said...

It looks amazing! Great work!!