
Thursday, July 15, 2021

Fourth of July in Round Hill

Happy Fourth of July! We had a great weekend of the fourth! We went up to Round Hill to visit my mom and Dave. Chris took work off on Thursday and Friday so we got to head there early. Ben did some puzzling...(as did we, we completed a 1000 piece puzzle)

Grandma found a fun playground to play on...

We spent lots of time just hanging around the house playing games and getting some quality time in, along with playing lots of dress up. Eleanor even found the maid of honor dress Lauren wore in our wedding 13 years ago!

And spent more time swimming in the pool.

Jane found a snorkel that she enjoyed trying to get the hang of.

And obviously the kids loved spending time with Bonnie!

We hiked to Bear's Den...

And we visited Great Country Farms. This place is truly amazing. I am always impressed when we visit it!

Ben was completely in heaven with the vehicles and tractors you could play on. It was hard to pull him away to do anything else.

We did an obstacle course.

Played on playground equipment...

And slid down lots of slides.

Jane lost her SECOND tooth and the tooth fairy visited.

Dave built a bonfire and gave out tractor rides.

And we celebrated the fourth on Saturday. This is the first year since having kids that all of our kids stayed up for fireworks. There were definite pros and cons. The noise really bothered Jane the most, but everyone else did well. We paid for it the next day though in exhaustion, for sure! It can only go up from here though

The kids did sparklers, and it seemed like they had never done them before, though I thought for sure Eleanor and Jane had! Rosie did end up burning her finger by accident.

We set off fountains, some giant ones, and a few bottle rockets. The neighbors a couple doors down let off a HUGE display which we had a perfect view of from the backyard.

The next day (the actual fourth) we hung around for the morning before heading back home. I had a couple hours in the pool but the kids never even made it out of the back door or off the couch. We were only in the car for a few minutes before both Ben and Rosie were out. It was a great 4 days, and really the weather couldn't have been more ideal.

At home we headed over to Rob and Mollie's new house (so close!) and they fed us dinner. Rob was grilling on his new grill that he got for his birthday and his parents were in town to celebrate. 

Unfortunately for the kids (and maybe for us?) they were all in bed by 7 on the actual fourth. No one even put up a fight they were so tired - the mark of a truly great weekend!

1 comment:

Dorothy said...

You got some great photos. The weather did turn out just right....not too hot. Thanks for coming. It was a fantastically good time. So glad you were able to have dinner with Rob and Mollie and Chris's parents too. Plus kids in bed by 7 pm. Yeah!