
Monday, July 19, 2021

Surf camp

Eleanor, Jane, and I went on an adventure recently! Chris and my sister Lauren held down the fort with Ben and Rosie for four days while we headed down to Jacksonville so Eleanor could do surf camp with her friend. About 18 months ago she got very into Bethany Hamilton when she read a kids biography of her and has wanted to surf ever since. Then we got the opportunity for her to try and it was fun!

This is definitely the first flight Jane remembered being on (being not quite 2 the last time she flew out to San Diego to visit Lauren). She was quite nervous. A couple had to end up switching seats with us because I was across the aisle from the girls and Jane was panicking. Overall she did well, though. Eleanor was a pro. 

Surf camp started early the next morning.

We spent lots of time playing on the beach...

Our afternoons were low key - resting up and playing in the yard. I even saw a manatee off the dock!

Overall camp ended up going so well. Eleanor had a great time and was so, so appreciative of the opportunity. There was a little pizza party at the end and Eleanor kept running over to Jane to share her pizza and lemonade and cookies. It was definitely hard work and she got a bit banged up but she seemed pretty proud of her progress and kept a great attitude. Jane spent tons of time playing in the pool at the "beach club" that was hosting the surf camp. She had a great time with her friend all week.

The last day they had a professional photographer out there taking pictures:

And last but not least...a few videos!

On the way home Thursday night, our flight got delayed, delayed, and then cancelled. We actually ended up being quite lucky that the friends we were staying with were on the same flight as us headed to Williamsburg to visit friends for the weekend and so as we were already an hour down the road toward the airport, we ended up just driving all the way home. Unfortunately we weren't leaving until 9 pm, so we were driving through the night, but I was just so happy to get home. 


Dorothy said...

What a great opportunity! She did good! I love the videos. Sorry about the canceled flight. That was a long long night. These are great pictures!

Patty said...

How amazing! So proud of how adventurous Eleanor is and I'm glad they both had a great time with friends!!