
Thursday, July 22, 2021

Pool shennanigans

 We've been spending a lot of time at the pool, as we do most summers. The girls were hanging out on the playground during the 11 and up practice they other day and they were called in to help with "Fun Friday". The 11 and ups were playing "kids in a cap" and needed some smaller sized kids to put in a swim cap. They ended up getting a fifth kid into the cap before it finally popped. It was quite impressive!

Rosie also has been working hard on swimming. She so badly wants to be on swim team with the big kids and have her own swim buddy. Here is her current "freestyle" stroke. It's so cute. She's got an injured fin :) And then Rosie jumping off the diving board.


Dorothy said...

Love Rosie's effort!

Patty said...

Rosie is amazing!!! Kids in a cap looks really fun!!