
Thursday, August 19, 2021

Ben and Rosie learned to swim!

We have a couple of fish on our hands!

Rosie learned how to swim this summer! She was able to swim a bit last year but didn't know how to take a breathe and keep going, but this year she figured it out. She swam 25m across the pool, and then surprised us all by swimming another 25m in a legal backstroke. She demonstrated again for me in the shallow end the next day so I could take a video:

She's pretty happy because they changed the diving board rules this year to no floaties and you have to be able to swim independently, so now she gets free reign again on the diving boards.

We were not super surprised by Rosie, but what has surprised us this year is Ben! He actually is learning to do a little bit of doggy paddling! I did not think he would make much in the way of actual swimming progress this year, but he really has! He is not afraid to dunk his head under water anymore, and has even started diving for toys off the bottom of the pool. Here is a video of his progress:

I'm hoping Rosie will be very water safe next year (and Ben, but I'm not sure how practical that one is). 

1 comment:

Dorothy said...

So impressive! Most improved twins ever!