
Monday, August 23, 2021

Eleanor is 8!

Eleanor is EIGHT! She is both taller, more mature, and slightly more responsible. We've noticed her maturity more when it comes to her siblings. Generosity has not always come naturally to her, but we can tell she's working harder to cultivate that attitude. I had the opportunity to homeschool her for second grade this past year and we both learned a lot about each other through that process. Eleanor is very smart and picks up new concepts quickly and easily. The downside to that was that she frequently becomes bored, and when she's bored she retreats into her own head, can be unproductive and easily distracted, and that process tends to be very frustrating for both of us. She loves to read, swim, and recently has started learning piano. She is very social a lot of the time, but also enjoys having time to herself. She's got her own routines and tendencies and it really has been fun watching her get older and develop more into her own person. 

We love our dear oldest and feel like this year she is truly getting older. She doesn't feel like a "little kid" anymore. She is confident, self-assured, independent, and loves life. Happy birthday, Eleanor!

Eleanor at onetwothreefourfivesixseveneightnineteneleventwelve, fifteen, and eighteen months old.

Eleanor at twothreethree and a halffour, and four and a halffivesix, and seven years old.

1 comment:

Dorothy said...

Happy birthday Eleanor! She is such a sweet girl! and getting good with her bow and arrow! Love her!!!