
Monday, August 2, 2021

July wrap-up

July has been hot! But thankfully we have the pool and the river and a new HVAC system to keep us cool. Swim team picked up into high gear with 3 regular season meets and 2 finals, all of which were hot, long, and super fun for the kids. We had VBS at church, visited Round Hill, and the girls and I went to Florida. We also had visitors in the form of grandparents and a college roommate. The month flew by.

Ben has been loving snuggling baby Robert now that he gets to see him more frequently. 

Rosie learned how to climb to the top of the hanging bar at the playground.

We've had lots of fun with friends.

My tomatoes are growing!

Ben and Rosie rediscovered their hats from when they were babies.

We had dinner, s'mores, and a movie with our friends who moved to our neighborhood recently!

Chalk at church

While the older girls and I were in Florida, Lauren and Bonnie helped with Ben and Rosie for the week. Us going would not have been possible without her!

Ben helping Chris grill.

My college roommate Christina came down for a visit!

Ben and Rosie were also able to catch up with our Florida friends when they came to town!

We had ice cream with friends at the pool.

Gaby came down to visit and we spent the WHOLE day at the pool!

Shug and Rachael came down to visit and we hung out in Colonial Williamsburg despite the heat!

Eleanor and Jane also participated in another little make-shift circus with their swim friends after swim ended this year:

August is here and should have much less structure (for better or for worse) than the previous couple months. We've had a blast with our extended summer this year though since we finished school at the end of April!


Dorothy said...

Another very busy month for you guys. So many friends and family!

Patty said...

What great pics! Your pool is amazing and I'm so happy I got to hang out! Your friends have a pretty sweet firepit and view!!!