
Thursday, September 16, 2021

James River Relay

Chris and I have been swimming in the evenings for the month of August with a bunch of other adults. The leader of the adult swim group decided that as a culmination event for the summer, we should try to swim across the James River (from Surry to Williamsburg). It's pretty wide near us, so we did it relay-style. There were 3 different teams of 4 people each. We had three boats (one per team) and a jet ski and kayak helper. 

Chris and I were on a team together with Eleanor's friend's mom Evie and Meagan, another swimmer from the group. The first half went very smoothly, and then we hit the channel. The current was strong, it was very choppy, and the second half of the swim was very challenging! We all took turns swimming and whenever we got tired we would rotate. 

Overall we finished the swim in 2 hours. Uncle Rob watched the kids for us and came to cheer us in. We felt very accomplished, and my watch said I swam 1.67 km. 
(Before the current took Jane out of the swim rope, when Chris had to jump back in and go retrieve her)

Until next year! When maybe Uncle Rob will swim with us!


Patty said...

I'm so impressed! You guys are so brave to swim in the river!!! Great job!!

Dorothy said...

Very impressive! Congratulations on that swim!