
Thursday, November 4, 2021


On the Saturday before Halloween we were invited to a Halloween party in our neighborhood. The kids wore different costumes from what they had planned for Halloween so they didn't get muddy or ruined. We hung around a fire pit, played a few games, painted pumpkins, watched outdoor movies, and ate dinner. Eleanor even got wrapped up like a mummy!

And then on Sunday we carved our pumpkin after church.

Happy Halloween from the Pevensie children! Eleanor went as Susan (the archer) this year. Jane as Queen Susan the Gentle, Ben as High King Peter the Magnificent, and Rosie as Lucy the Valiant. We made their cloaks out of fleece and a shoelace, the weapons out of cardboard and tinfoil, Susan's horn out of a painted shell, and Lucy's cordial out of an old sprinkle bottle. Overall their costumes came out far better than we all anticipated.

We started by doing hair during dinner...

And then we headed out to meet the neighbors...

Rosie and Ben were much slower than the big girls, but they didn't want to miss any houses. We eventually convinced them to skip a few and ride in the stroller for awhile. Coach Anne came over to help us corral all the kids in the dark. Rosie got so tired of carrying her pumpkin that she started going up empty handed and then just brought the candy back...

The kids were committed and had a plan, so they ended up trick or treating in our cul de sacs and then walked a mile and a half to the other side of the neighborhood to go on the hayride. They say it was worth it, and they hayride driver (a huge asset to our community, the entire family) took pity on their little legs and drove us back to our side to drop us off.

When this crew got home they started going through their candy!

It truly was a fun and wonderful Halloween.


grammy said...

Great pictures, Katie. You did good. Looks like a fabulous evening.

Dorothy said...

The costumes are fantastic!!! What a fun Halloween!