
Monday, November 8, 2021

October wrap-up

October is always one of my favorite months. It starts out with amazing weather - not too hot and not cold yet, and ends with a chill in the air. We always get to do lots of biking, school and regular rhythms are well underway, and there's also a little reprieve before we get into the holiday season. This October was wonderful and we had lots of special visitors to make it even more wonderful! My grandparents from Texas and Chris's godmother Aunt Caroline both came out to visit (along with more "local" family).

We've done lots of biking...

We've played with baby Robert and Auntie Mollie! (Pic from Auntie Mollie)

We've had lots of fun time at the park and on the street with neighbors.

We played kickball with our neighborhood friends.

Rosie went to a fun birthday party.

I had some quiet mornings with the littles.

My favorite place in our neighborhood...sunsets and "What time is it, Mr. Fox?"

Ben and Rosie picked me some beautiful flowers while they were at Coach Anne's house one day.

We played Guess Who. I asked whether Ben's person was a boy or girl and eliminated half the board in one question. He asked me whether my person had blue and black hair and eliminated the entire board (except my person) in one guess.

Jane made fun spider snacks in class during their nocturnal animals unit.

Rosie does some fun jumping jacks...

We've gotten to see more of Auntie Mollie's other nephews and niece - our "kind of" cousins.

Lots of naps were had...

Eleanor and Jane had a walk-a-thon fundraiser at school.

Ben has been loving getting on his training wheel bike. And he's getting better!

Lots of fun mornings at the bus stop...

Aunt Caroline came from Washington state to visit!

Our church opened up a 3-5 year old service during the sermon.

Overall it's been a great month. We are looking forward to a peaceful November to bring in the Advent season!

1 comment:

Dorothy said...

I love the month of October too! Ben is doing great on the bike and what a guess! Love all your family time. Great pictures!