
Tuesday, November 9, 2021

Rosie is four!

Rosie is four years old! Rosie continues to earn her nickname "Rosiesaurus Rex" in our house. She is still the loudest, and most opinionated, especially when she doesn't get her way. I am not sure if this is just baseline personality or the product of being the youngest and smallest in a big family. She is 3'5" tall (61% of the way to my adult height) and weighs 34 pounds. She is very independent and wants to do everything by herself. She's been riding her two-wheeler for almost a year already (has ridden over 10 miles with me at one time!), is a water-safe swimmer now, even in our very large neighborhood pool, and has been fully potty-trained (including at night) for about a year. She loves trying to keep up with her older sisters and is completely crushed by the injustice of not being able to do the exact same things they get to do all the time. 

She loves trying new things and getting involved in new activities, has a ton of energy, and in general is just fierce. She does not automatically warm up to new people, but once you have her heart, she is very sweet and friendly. She is pretty astute and picks up on lots of things, reminding us of Eleanor at this age. She also can be very wild and tends to get injured quite a bit (though also recovers relatively quickly). She is a fun age and we (for the most part) enjoy what her personality adds to this family. She also thinks everything in the past happened "a long day ago." She sleeps very well at night 11-12 hours and rarely naps unless we separate her from her brother. They currently share a twin bed, but will eventually get their own.

Rosie at one, twothreefourfivesixseveneightnineteneleventwelvefifteen, and eighteen months old.

Rosie at two and three years old.

Eleanor, Jane, Ben, and Rosie each at four years old:

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