
Monday, February 7, 2022

MORE snow

We've had the most snow events this year (and coldest weather it seems) that I can remember in Williamsburg. Generally it only snows once a winter, but it has snowed at least three separate times and there may be more to come. It's also stayed very cold, so the snow, despite only being an inch or two each time, sticks around for days! The kids have had so much fun sledding this year and building snow men at church on the weekends. Last Saturday morning after the snow came in, cousin Robert met us over at a local sledding hill to sled with the kids. He didn't love it, but neither did Ben. No one lasted long in the bitter cold and wind, but it was fun while it lasted (for most of us). 



The Stratton Scrapbook said...

Such a fun time!

Dorothy said...

Great videos! Looks like so much fun!