
Monday, September 12, 2022

Busch Gardens

In August once swim was over we went to Busch Gardens a fair amount. The weather turned slightly cooler and we had several rainy or overcast days which was great for BG! I had so many Busch pictures from the summer that I decided to put them all in one post. We went several times just me and the kids, met Bonnie and Antelope there and also met Auntie Mollie and Robert there. It was fun!

Eleanor is now tall enough for all of the roller coasters at Busch and has ridden all except for Tempesto (mainly because Chris and I don't like that one so haven't wanted to take her on it).

We even had a special trip with just Ben, Rosie, and Bonnie on the big girls' first day of school!

I'm sure we'll visit a little bit in the fall, but it was a good summer!


Dorothy said...

Such cute photos!!! Fun days!

Patty said...

Love these pics. Hopefully next summer, life will be a bit more normal and I can join you.