
Thursday, September 8, 2022

James River relay 2022

Chris and I participated in a river relay again this year. Our team was similar to last year - both of us, Megan and Jen. Thought this year, we were all much better swimmers! The current was not as strong, the water was calmer, and the weather was great. Overall it's approximately 2.5 miles across the river where we swam.

On the Chippokes side before starting.

After: I think we each swam around 1400m.

Meanwhile on the beach, the kids played. Eleanor and Jane decided to conquer the tree swing this year.

All the kids got to go tubing, too.

It was an awesome morning at the river. Everyone had a great time!


Dorothy said...

Good for you! I sure it feels great to be part of such an event. Fun days for the kids!

Patty said...

Im impressed with your ability and how brave you are to be swimming in that river! Tubing looks so much fun!