
Thursday, September 15, 2022

Jane is 7!

Jane is SEVEN years old! What an amazing child she is. She is very curious, loves asking questions until she fully understands how something works, is continually learning how to harness her very strong emotions (we still have lots of room for growth here), is extremely social, loves exploring her creative side, and continues to have awesome dance moves. She enjoys sports, excelling in swimming this year (the highest scoring 6 & under in our entire 18-team league), completed two 5ks (though she does not seem to enjoy distance running), and shows a lot more assertiveness and enjoyment in team sports than her older sister. Activity tends to calm her and give her confidence, so we really encourage her to keep moving! She loves to craft and create, a side we haven't explored much outside of whatever she does independently at home. Her smile lights up a room and her tears shut it down just as quickly. She is the most compassionate and empathetic kid I've ever met, and we work hard to help her understand that she is only responsible for herself and her reactions, as occasionally this can become a very heavy burden to bear. Jane is also a compulsive truth-teller. If she does something wrong, she beats herself up over it and immediately comes to tell us what she did. Sometimes these things are genuine mistakes, too, so we work hard to encourage her that all of us make mistakes. She loves school, math is her favorite subject, she doesn't love to read yet, but we've noticed her reading a bit more independently recently. She loves P.E. and music, and would love art except that she says her teacher doesn't give them enough room to "express herself" the way she wants to. We are so happy to be her parents and excited to see how she uses her gifts as she grows.

Eleanor and Jane at seven.

Jane at onetwothreefourfive, sixseveneightnineteneleventwelvefifteen, and eighteen months old. Jane at twotwo and a halfthreefourfive, and six years old.


Dorothy said...

Happy birthday to wonderful sweet Jane!!! This is a beautifully written description that fits her perfectly! The line about how she lights up a room or tears shuts it down just a quickly reminds me of you!

Dorothy said...

At her age!