
Monday, September 19, 2022

Colorado and Arlington

Chris recently had to privilege of traveling to the Air Force Academy with his mom and some of his siblings for a memorial service for Papa Laser. He/they took several pictures and videos that I am posting here so I can find them easily for the kids. This was a very cool experience and very honoring, and I'm so glad Chris was able to go.

Place setting for those no longer with us.

With an F-15 (the type of plane Bob flew).

The paths cadets have to run on.

From the memorial service.

Their guide.

Squadron 15 roll call:

Wreath presentation:

21 gun salute:

Then in September, we went up to Arlington National Cemetery to lay our beloved Papa Laser to rest. It was a lovely service in the Old Post Chapel, then we were able to walk behind the Air Force Band and caisson to the graveside. Obviously I didn't take much in the way of pictures, but it was all very moving. Bob also was honored with a 21 gun salute and taps, as well. The service was difficult, particularly for Jane, who doesn't grieve quietly, and Eleanor, but we were so thankful to be there, and look forward to visiting in the future when his gravestone is placed. A couple of these pictures are from one of Patty's friends, but I'm posting them here so I can find them to show the kids.

Chris' teammate from college, Adam, flew all the way out from Seattle for less than 24 hours to attend the service. It really brightened Chris' day. All his teammates thought 'Laser' was really cool while they were in college.

The kids checking out Papa Laser's flight helmet.

We miss Papa Laser daily, but both of these services were wonderful changes to get to remember and grieve together. 

1 comment:

Dorothy said...

So glad Chris was able to be there for the tribute in CO. What a beautiful service. He will be missed greatly.