
Monday, March 13, 2023


The girls played basketball this winter. Jane was on the Roadrunners. She actually did quite well - her game high score was two baskets (four points), but she really got after it and seemed to really enjoy it. Her coach took to calling her "Lebron Jane" which was cute and fun.

She also got to have two of her best buddies on the team.

Eleanor played for the Razorbacks. She got much better, too, and finally scored in the final quarter of her last game. It was very exciting!

Unfortunately she missed her team picture because she was at her Pinewood Derby, but I tried to photoshop her in...

Overall it was a great foray into basketball (last season ended up getting cancelled one game in due to Covid which was very disappointing).


The Stratton Scrapbook said...

Go Jane & Eleanor! So sweet that you photoshopped Eleanor in her team photo.

Patty said...

Yay for basketball! So proud of both girls!