
Monday, November 6, 2023

Halloween 2023

The day before Halloween we decided to carve our pumpkin. Everyone got to pick an element. Jane was the heart eye, Ben the triangle eye, Eleanor the strawberry nose, and Ben and Rosie were a combination for the mouth.

We roasted seeds and they were delicious. This year there was a huge discrepancy in weather leading up the Halloween. Monday the high was 82 degrees and sunny and Tuesday (Halloween) was a high of 57 and rain. We decided to have the kids wear their costumes to small group just to enjoy them while the weather was better. We had Hermione (Eleanor), Padme (Jane), Captain America (Ben), and Princess Leia (Rosie).

Jane and Rosie's hair:

With small group friends...we had a pretty big Harry Potter contingent as well as a Star Wars contingent.

On Tuesday the kids had a parade at school. Jane and Rosie dressed similarly under their costumes.

Shug and Rachael came down to trick or treat with us Tuesday, and Antelope, Uncle Benny, Bonnie, and Riser came, too!

It was a chilly evening! But thankfully the rain mostly held off :)

Eleanor with our neighbor who was also Hermione.

On the hayride!

And of course, the candy sort!

Happy Halloween!

1 comment:

Dorothy said...

Amazing hair styles! Looks like a very fun night!