
Thursday, November 9, 2023

Ben is SIX!

Ben is six years old! He weighs 50.0 pounds and is 49 inches tall (63% of the way to Chris' adult height). Ben is a friend to everyone, tying the role of "most social" in our family with Jane. He also seems to be generous and give everyone the benefit of the doubt, also like his sister. He is getting very interested in sports, having a very successful swim season, and telling us frequently "I'm ready to be a football (bastketball, soccer, etc.) player, now!" He runs fast, has a lot of energy, and enjoys the social aspect of sports. He is quite the silly kid both at home and at school, though his teacher assures me he is easily re-directable. He is starting to read and write, can do some pretty decent math for his age, and enjoys school thoroughly. He is also quite into drawing and coloring and has a good sense of color. He still has all his baby teeth, loves cars, and is currently very into super heros, "good guys" and "bad guys." He also has taken to playing very rough with friends, so we have to be careful and know the parents well. Despite that, he has a very soft spot and if he feels actual animosity or unkindness from his friends (rather than mutual wrestling), he gets very sad and hurt. A few words he still says differently... "flitball" for "football," "sidewards" for "sideways," and "spoom" for "spoon." He loves Rosie, though at school they operate in their own orbits (despite being in the same class). They still share a room and very recently started sleeping in their own beds. We knew this would happen eventually, but after sharing a twin bed for 2-3 years, I guess it was inevitable! Ben says he wants to be a fireman when he grows up as well as a William & Mary basketball player and football player. We love our Ben and can't wait to see what 6 brings.

Eleanor and Jane at six:

Ben at onetwothreefourfivesixseveneightnineteneleventwelvefifteen, and eighteen months old. Ben at two, three, and four, and five years old.

1 comment:

Dorothy said...

I love this silly man! Happy birthday Ben!