
Wednesday, May 9, 2018

Ben is six months old

Ben is six months oldBen weighs 12 pounds, 7 ounces (less than 1st percentile), is 25.25 inches long (4th percentile and 32.4% of the way to Chris' adult height), and his head circumference is 16.75 inches (22nd percentile).

I really can't believe we've survived half a year with twins. This month started off with a sleep regression. Instead of waking up once a night, the babies have been waking up to be fed twice a night - usually around 12:30 or so and 3:30 am. Toward the end of this month though, Ben thankfully went back to waking up only once a night. While it has been exhausting, we're hoping this just means Ben hit a growth spurt. Ben, our night baby, does much better than his sister during the night and will often be willing to take his pacifier and go back to sleep. He doesn't do as well during the day though and does not like napping! He tends to fall asleep easily in his car seat, but if we put him in the crib, he cries. Once he is a bit bigger, we will transition to sleeping in the crib full time, but for now he still sleeps at night in the rock and play in our room. Ben tends to be very interested in reaching out and grabbing things, but does not play as much as his sister. He also doesn't try to sit up, put weight on his legs, or roll over (though he can!). Ben likes his pacifier but loves to suck on his thumb/fingers. Sometimes I even catch him with his thumb in the pacifier hole, essentially sucking both at once. He loves when Eleanor sings the song "Hair Up" to him from Trolls. He has a huge gummy smile and also loves to giggle and laugh when his sisters entertain him.

Ben at onetwothreefour, and five months old.

Ben and Rosie:

All the kids at six months:

Eleanor at six months.
Jane at six months.
Rosie at six months.


Dorothy said...

Such a cute close up! Glad the nights go well with him!

Lauren said...

Happy 6 months Ben! He's got the best little laugh :)

Patty said...

Happy half year little man! Can't wait to see your smile in a couple of weeks! <3