
Monday, June 10, 2019

Artwork, Spring 2019 edition


Door 1 (because I forgot to post about it): some of my favorites include her turkey (on a pink background in the middle of the door) that she disguised as a Tribe basketball player - a turkey in the book they read for book club was putting on disguises (maybe to escape Thanksgiving dinner?). Her ice skating penguin that she drew wind marks behind because the penguin was going so fast - done in pastels. And at the bottom of the page, her rainbow watercolor pigeon and a project she made for the 100th day of school - she glued 100 medicine caps that I collected at work for her to a tree as leaves. It was very creative! Finally some drawings she made in computer class - and a picture she drew that said "Over winter break we stayed in pajamas" hah!

Door 2: On the top right her Baker Bear, the middle left her hot air balloons, bottom right a bunny she painted around Easter with looooooong ears, and a computer drawing of Ariel.

Jane: Some of my favorites include her log cabin (I think she called this a house Abraham Lincoln lived in), her kite (below the cabin), her animal in a cage at the zoo (with the red yarn bars below the kite), her family drawing below that (with an extra baby in it because one of her little friends has a baby at home, too) and her chick on the bottom right above her class picture.

Other artwork posts here, here, and here.


Patty said...

Such precious artwork! I'm so happy you keep a picture diary of these. I can't help but love the Tribe turkey!!

Dorothy said...

So artistic!! The artwork is precious!