
Monday, November 4, 2019

October wrap-up

October is one of my favorite months of the year. The weather is finally better around here (it's pretty hot in September), but it's not too cold where you can still spend the majority of your time outside. We had a great month. We are still getting settled into our new place slowly, but we love it so far and have been spending a lot more time outside than inside getting things "put away."

Ben and Rosie started holding hands sometimes and it is absolutely adorable.

Chris tried to teach the girls to mow the lawn.

Rosie is showing interest in helping me cook.

We played in our neighbor's hammock.

This video may give a suggestion as to how loud our house normally is. Rosie has now learned to put her fingers in her ears when she doesn't like the noise. Hah!

Ben and Rosie's true personalities are starting to shine. You rarely see Ben without a truck, car, bus or other vehicle and Rosie tends to prefer dolls and purses. This is no doing of mine, I assure you!

We went to the Wiffle Ball World Series that our church puts on for middle and high schoolers and got Sno-to-Go. Chris volunteers at this event and it's where Eleanor broke her arm last year.

Eleanor's school had a Walk-a-thon - their biggest fundraiser of the year and we went to go cheer her on.

It's finally apple pie season.

Ben and Rosie are starting to "craft" in their little classes.

We found a turtle under the van when we pulled out of our garage one day. I was so glad it didn't get run over!!

More of Ben playing with trucks.

Ben and Rosie sharing a shopping cart - don't let the picture fool you. It did not go as smoothly as I would have hoped. Ben spent the whole time honking Rosie's horn and she was not happy about it.

We had a couple crayons go through the dryer. I have tried everything to get the wax and color out of the clothes and nothing worked. So sad :( :( :( we lost a whole load of laundry and I spent hours scraping and cleaning crayon off the inside of our dryer. That dress below used to be a solid pink :(

Bed time in our house:

Ben and Rosie singing baby shark:

Rosie's latest phrase is "I need..." and she'll just throw something on the end of it. It was very cute at first but has quickly become a little tedious. But impressive, too!

Eleanor lost her second front tooth so now she can really sing the song "All I Want For Christmas is my Two Front Teeth." Unfortunately she dropped it down the air register in the floor while she was cleaning it because a classmate told her the tooth fairy leaves more money if it's clean and there were lots of tears. Eleanor had to write the tooth fairy a note. Jane also cried a lot because she's terrified of the tooth fairy coming into their room!

The girls and I both had dentist appointments this month.

Eleanor's class took a field trip the the Virginia Living Museum.

Chris took Eleanor to breakfast with dads at her school.

Rosie learned how to climb the tree in our front yard. This girl is trouble for sure.

Ben and Rosie getting into shennanigans at the breakfast table in the morning after everyone else went up to get ready. They were pulling cereal out of the box and then were throwing it across the room.

October was a great month. We got a little more settled in our house, met lots of our neighbors, and the weather was still nice enough to be outside every day! Onward to November...

1 comment:

Dorothy said...

Baby shark.. Rosie is a signer! Cute holding hands picture. And I watched Rosie climb that tree. She was so proud! Love Eleanor's note to the tooth fairy! Nice update!