
Monday, July 18, 2022


Chris and his brother did an Olympic length triathlon together this month! He trained for awhile and it was so exciting to watch. His goal was to complete the race in under 3 hours and his time ended up being 2:53.

It started out with the swim portion. They jumped off a dock in the Chickahominy and swam 1500 km (.9 mile). The current was crazy strong and a lot of people struggled with it. We were able to stand with them while they were waiting to jump in. 

During the swim (20:38) we checked on the transition area. My friend sent me this picture of Chris coming out post-swim.

Then it was on to the bike portion.

The kids used their "spy" glasses to try to spot Chris coming in from the bike. When he arrived we found out he had to ride on a flat tire for 7 miles (out of 27)! He still completed the bike portion in 1:28.

Then it was on to the run (6.2 miles or a 10k). We stood under the bridge watching to see when he would come over! It took him about 57 minutes to do the run.

The kids got to run with him across the finish line.

The champions:

Friends came after church to cheer them in!

The kids made homemade trophies and medals for the champions and presented them when we grilled brats for dinner that night.

Lots of resting now!

Congratulations to both Chris and Rob!

1 comment:

Dorothy said...

Congratulations Chris! Wow - 7 miles on a flat tire! What an impressive feat!