
Monday, November 21, 2022


This fall all four kids played soccer. Everyone had practice at the same time on the same night at the same place which was wonderful. Saturday morning the games tended to be a little spread out which was not as fun, but still a good time and the kids got to cheer for each other. Chris assistant coached Ben's team which he loved and Rosie was super jealous about.

Rosie playing defense (and playing through bonking heads).

The littles have gotten creative on the sidelines during the big girls' games. This is some sort of game called starfish and sharks.

Overall it was a great season for the Mr. Freezes (Ben), the Black Widows (Rosie), and the Griffin (Eleanor and Jane). Ben and Rosie both had a blast playing soccer, though were not very good. Ben loved to run fast and not touch the ball and Rosie always had a huge smile on her face and enjoyed jumping around and running with the pack. Eleanor and Jane both showed a surprising improvement this season and their games were actually fun to watch. Looking forward to another season in the future.

1 comment:

Dorothy said...

Great effort by all!