
Friday, March 28, 2014

Seven months

Our girlie turned seven months old this week. There are some things this month that are still the same as last month: at seven months, Eleanor still only has two teeth (the bottom, middle two) and she still isn't too mobile. She likes to sit or stand, and gets very frustrated lying down unless she is napping or sleeping.

She hasn't been weighed this month, but we think she's probably around 17.5 pounds. She loves to lick her bottom teeth, and has a lot more coordination, particularly playing with and banging together her toys. She is also able to pick up her pacifier and put it back in her mouth. She's just starting to work on the pincer grasp with her thumb and pointer finger to pick up small things like peas or cheerios. Her favorite foods are popcorn, guacamole/avocado and cheerios. Food is coming along very slowly, but she has tried lots of things: chicken and beef, eggs and cheese, breads, lots of vegetables (none that she seems totally opposed to yet) and lots of fruits (her favorite probably being clementines, though she only sucks the juice out of those, and least favorite being mango, which quickly fell out of her mouth as soon as it entered). Her eyes are probably 2/3 brown and 1/3 blue now - changing slowly but surely over the last couple months. She also loves to put her toes in her mouth. We've been starting to play more in the water, mostly in the bath, but she seems to really enjoy it. Her naps are starting to get longer, which means every day we waver between 2 and 3 naps. I think soon we'll be on 2 nap days, but we still respond to her tired cues for naps and bedtime so every now and then, 3 naps it is. At night, she still wakes up once to eat, but mostly because she's been going to bed around 6:30 and just can't make it until morning yet.

Eleanor at one, two, three, four, five, and six months.


erin said...

Gosh Katie, you and Chris make one adorable baby! She is so beautiful and just so so so cute!

Patty said...

Oh my gosh; I'm dying. These are so cute. That one of her looking up while sitting on the blanket made me exclaim out loud!!

Dorothy said...

How can it be that she gets more adorable everyday!!! I am beaming just looking as her!

Paula said...

Agree with Patty on that photo - love it!

jennie said...

oh my gosh she is so beautiful I can hardly stand it!

maggie said...

such a cutie - I love her expressions these days!