
Monday, May 20, 2019

Rosie is eighteen months old

Rosie is eighteen months old! She weighs 20 pounds, 6 ounces (20th percentile), is 30 inches long (6th percentile and 45% of the way to my adult height), and her head circumference is 18.5 inches (71st percentile).

Rosie is running everywhere. She loves to grab things out of her brother's hands and run away with them, much to Ben's dismay. Her hair is getting longer, and is very straight, just like Eleanor's. She has 11 teeth and her fourth middle bottom tooth is coming in soon.

Rosie loves reading books. Her favorite toys are ones she can push around (like the shopping cart or stroller). She is not talking or signing as much as her brother, but can still use most of the signs Ben can when she wants to. She's definitely starting to babble a lot more than she used to, so I'm guessing she'll catch up quickly. She loves her "wa wa" (water) and her pacifier, but when she is angry, which is often, she throws anything in sight to let us know. We are talking about weaning the babies, but Rosie is very attached to nursing, still. She is going to be a challenge!

Rosie sleeps through the night from 7pm - 6:30 am, but often wakes up around 5:45 and starts talking or shouting. We don't get her up until 6:30, but I'm not sure she sleeps much that last hour.She takes one nap during the day for about 2.5-3.5 hours.

Rosie at eighteen months:

Rosie at one, twothreefourfivesixseveneightnineteneleventwelve, and fifteen months old.

All the kids at eighteen months:

Eleanor at eighteen months.
Jane at eighteen months.
Ben at eighteen months.


Dorothy said...

Love, love, love this girl!

Patty said...

Yay Rosie! She's so smart and clever!