
Monday, May 20, 2019

Ben is eighteen months old

Ben is eighteen months old! He weighs 26 pounds, 2 ounces (77th percentile), is 31.25 inches long (15th percentile and 40% of the way to Chris's adult height), and his head circumference is 19.2 inches (86th percentile).

Ben is just starting to walk. He is taking steps, but can still crawl faster, so that is generally his method of locomotion. His hair is growing, but mostly at the back, making us wonder if he will have curls like Jane. He has eight teeth but his bottom molars are coming in now.

His favorite toy is a ball and he loves to throw anything he is holding. He also loves his walker. He gets very frustrated when people take things from him, mostly because he can't chase them to get them back. He also loves reading books. He is talking more than his sister and uses signs very well, especially "milk," "please," "more," "turn," "food," and "thank you." We are talking about weaning the babies and I think Ben would have no problem weaning if it weren't for his sister. He doesn't frequently sign for milk, but if Rosie is nursing he gets very jealous and throws an absolute tantrum if he doesn't get a turn, too.

Ben sleeps better than Rosie. He sleeps through the night from 7pm - 6:30 am and would probably sleep longer if he didn't share a room with his sister. He takes one nap during the day for about 2.5-3.5 hours.

Ben at eighteen months:

Ben at onetwothreefourfivesixseveneightnineteneleventwelve, and fifteen months old.

All the kids at eighteen months:

Eleanor at eighteen months.
Jane at eighteen months.
Rosie at eighteen months.


Dorothy said...

Oh the places you will go!!! Looking good Ben!

Patty said...

Sweet Ben!! Such a good sleeper. They all look so much more similar at 18 months!