
Monday, November 9, 2020

Rosie is three!

Rosie is three years old! She weighs just over 30ish pounds and is several inches shorter than her brother. She is still our fiercest, fiestiest and most stubborn child. Sometimes we joke that she only has one volume (loud if you can't guess), and she deliberately won't do what you ask her to do just to do things her own way. She loves saying, "No! Mama!" I believe she has learned to be this way being the youngest of four. It's clearly the way she feels she can get noticed.

Rosie by default is disciplined less than Ben because he is almost always more phyiscal and wilder. She is pretty independent but when she wants to be held she's like a tiny spider monkey clinging tightly around necks and arms and almost impossible to extricate yourself from. She has no fear and thinks she is invincible. She leads her brother into all sorts of situations including climbing trees and hills and balancing on precarious things (hence the broken bones in her arm).

Rosie seems to be very smart and capable. I am always quite surprised to find out what she already knows. She loves reading books, and most recently has been taking chapter books to bed because she sees Eleanor and Jane doing it (Jane also isn't quite reading chapter books, but she makes a valiant attempt). She has been potty training over the last two weeks and is now doing quite well. She wears diapers at night, but throughout the day and at naps she wears her underwear. She sleeps about eleven hours at night and still takes a nap almost every day. She definitely is the earlier riser between her and her brother, but he seems to adjust fairly well. She also is capable of being silly, but mostly is only silly when she's trying to be defiant.

Rosie at one, twothreefourfivesixseveneightnineteneleventwelvefifteen, and eighteen months old.

Rosie at two years old.

Ben and Rosie - their last night as two year olds!

Eleanor and Jane at three years old.

1 comment:

Dorothy said...

Happy birthday Little Miss Rosie!!!